Here are some pics of my TwinZ diffuser that I just installed. There really aren't a lot of pics out there yet, so I thought I would add a few :) It all started Friday when I decided to stop by Coz's. And wouldn't you know it, Coz had a TwinZ diffuser sitting out conveniently for me to see. So I said what the hell it's only money and losing value everyday anyway. lol I must say it's a quality piece. The install was a little harder than I expected, but for those without Z OCD it will probably be easy... for me though everything has to be perfect, or as perfect as I can make it. I decided not to paint it at this time. All in all I'm very happy with the final product. It gives the Z a subtle updated look without being too ricey. Now as soon as SPL releases their FUCAs, I will drop it with some KWs and Volks :rock: